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Setting Email Blogging Options

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Last Updated: October 8, 2008 12:13 PM

To assist you with email blogging, we automatically create a unique email address for you, which can be found in your Quick Blogcast settings. You must send all email blogging entries to this address. Additionally, you must set up an exclusive email account from which you send messages to upload to your blog. The Email Blogging feature only accepts email blogging messages sent using these specified email addresses listed in your settings.

To Set Email Blogging Options

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, click Quick Blogcast.
  3. Click Manage Account next to the blog account you want to modify.
  4. From the Manage Blog menu, select Settings.
  5. Select the Email Blogging tab.
  6. Next to Post via email, select Yes.

    NOTE: You must send all email blogging entries to the displayed Send to email address.

  7. In the Send from email address field, type the email address from which you want to send blogging messages.

    NOTE: All email posts must be sent from this email address.

  8. From the Default Category list, select the default category for email blog entries.(Optional)
  9. To moderate entries before publishing them, select Require Moderation.
  10. Click Save.

For assistance emailing blog entries to your site, see Emailing a Blog Entry.